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Privacy - consent to data processing

Please fill in all fields marked with an asterisk (*) and finish your inquiry by clicking "Order now".

You will receive an automatic confirmation email containing further information and our bank details. Upon receipt of the transferred amount, you will receive a second confirmation email and the gift voucher will be sent to the address you provided (by mail or, if desired, digitally by e-mail). Vouchers purchased remain valid for 2 years after date of issue. The voucher can be used at our Hotel Martinshof for vacation services (lodging, wellness services, restaurant, hotel bar). Cash reimbursement is not possible.

Should you have questions, feel free to send an E-Mail or give us a call
(our phone number is +39 0474 671406)


Information notice pursuant to article 13 of the GDPR 2016/679. The data you provide by filling out this form to request information will be subject to processing on paper and electronically will be used only to request information or bookings of a stay or to order a gift voucher in our hotel. Your data will only be used to process your request and / or to book your stay and / or to process the order of a gift voucher. Your data may also be used to send advertising and marketing materials, if you give us your consent, but will not be communicated nor distributed to third parties. The data controller is Hotel Martinshof SNC di Oberhofer Johann & C., which you can contact to exercise your rights. To read the complete privacy notice, please refer to the dedicated subpage "Privacy Policy".

Mandatory information according to the EU-Regulation N. 524/2013 of the European Parliament and of the Council
Platform for online dispute resolution for consumer disputes (ODR) to the European Commission:   

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